_  some news

Release 0.9.0 is out (24-10-2015)
Is available 0.9.0 release of themonospot, added also deb packages.

Changing source repo (21-10-2015)
themonospot change source home. Project is hosted on github

Available for testing 0.8.1 beta and Themonospot-Gui-Qt  (10-12-2009 12.20)
Is available first alpha release of Qt gui for themonospot. You need to install also Qyoto library.
Download here

Release 0.7.3 is out (25-06-2009 23.52)
Is available 0.7.3 release of themonospot, many bug-fixed and new features added.

  what is themonospot ?

21-10-2015 23.30

is a simple application that can be used to scan multimedia files and extract some informations about audio and video streams:

  • Video codec used
  • Frame size
  • Average video bitrate
  • File size
  • Total time
  • Frame rate
  • Total frames
  • Info data
  • Packet Bitstream
  • User data (in MOVI chunk)
  • Audio codec used
  • Average audio bitrate
  • Audio channels

From release 0.9.0, there are 3 different software:

  • Core, Plugins and Console ui
  • Qt gui
  • Gtk gui

It can scan and extract informations:

  • from single multimedia file
  • from supported multimedia files contained in a specific folder
  • from supported multimedia files contained in a specific folder and his subfolders

With auto report generation, is possible auto save scan report for each file scanned which the same name (extension is .report). Themonospot is multilanguage (from release 0.6.5) using language files in languages folder. You can modify or add your language yourself, see language files user guide.


_  dependencies

21-10-2015 23.30

to run themonospot on your operative system you need:

  • MONO Framework 2.8 or higher / Microsoft .Net Framework 4 or higher
  • Qyoto for Qt Gui
  • GTK# 2.12 or higher for Gtk Gui

_  screenshots

21-10-2015 23.30

_  download

21-10-2015 23.30

themonospot is a free software, released under GPL license.

current releases are:
- themonospot 0.9.0 (core component, plugins and console ui)
- themonospot-gtk 0.9.0 (GTK gui)
- themonospot-qt 0.9.0 (Qt gui)

_ Package RPM for Mageia users
you can install it with
# urpmi themonospot-console or
# urpmi themonospot-gui-gtk or
# urpmi themonospot-gui-qt
_ Package RPM for OpenMandriva users
work in progress...
_ Package RPM for Fedora users
you can find latest packages on ppa on opensuse build service
_ Package DEB
you can find latest packages on launchpad ppa
_ Zip package for Windows users
you can launch themonospot-gtk.exe from binary package, see install section for dependencies.


for source code you can use one of the follow methods


_  how install and run

21-10-2015 23.30

follow this steps to install and run themonospot on your operative system:

  • for linux platform:
    note: first of all verify if are available installation packages for your linux distribution in download section. If there aren't follow this steps

  • for windows platform:
    - install Microsoft .Net Framework 4 or higher
    - install GTK# for .Net
    - run themonospot from your zip folder


_  history

21-10-2015 23.30
  • Release 0.9.0
    - from now only one release for all components
    - fixed #16
    - update launchpad ppa with latest sources
  • Change source home
    - github is new home
    - semplified packages management
  • Gtk 0.2.2
    - bug fixed: scan process without plugin installed
  • Core 0.8.2
    - feature: removed GAC use
  • Core 0.8.1
    - feature: issue n. 11 - support for multiple file scan
    - feature: new multilayer architecture (gui, base, plugin)
    - feature: Qt gui (themonospot-gui-qt)
    - feature: Console application (themonospot-console)
  • ...


_  contacts and bugs

21-10-2015 23.30

to contact me you can:

to report a bug or see the bug fixing state you can use the issues section